Thursday, April 27, 2006

I'm so pissed!

Grrrrrrrrr! I was in my new apartment and noticed the child's bedroom closet door is dented. It has little sharp edges that my little sandtrout could hurt himself on. I tried calling the manager. They would not answer my calls or return my messages, so my husband went up to their apartment. They are sitting up there doing NOTHING! He asked them about the door and they said there is nothing they can do about it. They could see if the infamous "corporation" will allow them to order a new one. Now they say they are going to exchange the door with one from the master bedroom closet. I don't think that is a solution. I shouldn't have to move into a place with damaged stuff. It should be pretty and perfect.
Also, the central air is frozen. When we asked them to have to fixed they said they don't know anyone certified to work with freon. What is wrong with these people?!?! All these apartments with air units and no one that knows how to fix them?!?! I highly doubt it. Luckily my father is a certified to work on air conditioners, and I am going to bill these morons for having it fixed.
It was not a good day today. :(

Monday, April 24, 2006

The artist at work

Notice the use of both hands.

By Request, My Kitchen Table

Sunday, April 23, 2006

New Crayons!

The latest masterpiece from my little sandtrout.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Bye Bye Scotty :(

We will miss you.

He was cute in his own chubby little balding man way.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Stinky ass smokers

This used to be a clean, quiet place to live, then the trash moved in downstairs. They have friends that stand right outside the entrance to the building smoking, and they just throw their cigarette butts in the front lawn. It's a disgusting site. I think the owner should charge them for clean up, don't you? I want to call the landlord and complain, but I am afraid of sounding too much like a whiner. What do you think?
They also have a loud dog that attacked me one day. It jumped at me as I was going out the door and they were coming in! He got a hold of my shirt and tore a hole in the sleeve. They are also loud, slamming doors, yelling at each other, their dog barks all day and night. They leave trash on their porch (that is garbage as well as the family members that visit). I know I move to a new apartment in about two weeks, but I'm afraid I won't be able to handle this for another day! Help!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

The view from my front porch this morning.....

Doesn't the fog coming up from the valley look cool?

Monday, April 10, 2006

Potty training not going so well :(

He suddenly just decided he doesn't like it! When I sit him on the potty he cries, and he won't go pee pee in it now. I don't want to pressure him to hard and turn potty time into a struggle. He was doing so well at first! What's the deal?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Fred Phelps is a butt plug!

I didn't want to get all political and whine on my blog, but there is one topic that really pisses me off and I need to vent about it. You've probably heard about these pseudo-christians who go around the country protesting military funerals. They say soldiers are all gay (why I don't know) and that they deserve to die for fighting for our country. These people are sick. They should be air lifted to Iraq and dumped into dangerous, remote locations. How can they call themselves Christians yet treat returning soldiers this way, and disgrace their families like this? They are even picketing at military hospitals, harassing wounded soldiers.
Luckily many states, including my own, are moving to outlaw these funeral protests. Phelps and his stupid, ugly wife (seriously, she looks like the creepy preacher guy from Poltergeist) are claiming those of us who support this law are hypocrites, that we are spitting on what these soldiers fought for. What kind of twisted logic is that?!?! They literally spit on their graves and then claim the soldiers fought for their right to do that! These people are psychotic, to say the least!
Most of you know my husband is a disabled veteran. Some of the veterans in the meetings he attends are protesting the picketers at these funerals. Anyone else who has some free time should due the same. I will definitly support their cause to kick these Phelps followers in the asses as much as I possibly can.
If you want to know where to go to protest these ideologically challenged shit stains, here's a link to their picket schedule:

Sunday, April 02, 2006

He peed in the potty!!!

How cool is that?!? We were reading "Bye Bye Diapers" and when we were finished he yelled "potty" and ran to the bathroom. I sat him on the potty and he went pee! I'm so excited. He's proud of himself too. This is a great day.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

My little Artist

My little sand trout is not only a genius, but a very creative artist too. Just check out his most recent work!