Monday, April 17, 2006

Stinky ass smokers

This used to be a clean, quiet place to live, then the trash moved in downstairs. They have friends that stand right outside the entrance to the building smoking, and they just throw their cigarette butts in the front lawn. It's a disgusting site. I think the owner should charge them for clean up, don't you? I want to call the landlord and complain, but I am afraid of sounding too much like a whiner. What do you think?
They also have a loud dog that attacked me one day. It jumped at me as I was going out the door and they were coming in! He got a hold of my shirt and tore a hole in the sleeve. They are also loud, slamming doors, yelling at each other, their dog barks all day and night. They leave trash on their porch (that is garbage as well as the family members that visit). I know I move to a new apartment in about two weeks, but I'm afraid I won't be able to handle this for another day! Help!


At April 18, 2006 12:26 PM , Blogger AnnieAngel said...

First, put on a BIG pot of cabbage, cook it until the smell fades and then replace with new cabbage. Do this for 2 weeks. Second, take an big empty can, like an apple juice can, fill it with dirt, and put it near the door they smoke beside, on a table or a tree stump or something at waist level. Put up a sign, please use ashtray. Third, send the landlord a bill for your tshirt, no matter how much it cost, with a letter of explanation.

If they sleep in the mornings, have the sand trout play and sing and dance and make lots of noise very early. If he wakes up the dog, make the barking the beat of the song he's singing. Be creative. :)

Lastly, take this as an opportunity to witness to them about Jesus. While they are outside smoking they are trapped, bring them tracts, tell them God loves them, be concerned for their health and eternal soul.

If that all fails, start playing loud music, experimental jazz or german industrial are good to drive people batshit.

The fact you are only there two more weeks means you can pretty much do as you please. :)

At April 18, 2006 7:56 PM , Blogger Shai said...

All great ideas Annie! Well, except the cabbage thing. I'm trying to torture them, not myself. Plus we have an old guy in the building that already bakes garbage all day long. It stinks!
I have a few Chick Tracts lying around that I would use to witness to them about Jesus. How cool is that?
Jesus did not smoke, and neither should they. Your body is a temple, and they should treat it like one!!

At April 18, 2006 7:59 PM , Blogger Shai said...

Next time I see them out there smoking their demon weed, I will lean over the balcony and ask them if they have accepted Jesus Christ into their lives as their personal Lord and Savior. Then I will toss down literature for them about Christ, and how to quit smoking.

At April 23, 2006 11:45 PM , Blogger John Evo said...

Never mind my question at Annie's. I see you moved to PA!

Anyway, I would go downstairs and smile at them and say, "Hey guys, how you doing tonight? Listen, could you do me a favor? I have absolutely no problem with you smoking - it's your lungs. But I really hate the smell of it and also kind of disappoints me when I see the butts all around here. Is there another way you could do it"?

Now, I'm sure you will tell me reasons why it WON'T WORK, but a) you could be wrong and b) if it doesn't, at least you've established the groundwork for whatever might come NEXT.

But that's just me. I quit about a year ago. It's not easy. And we all have our quirks. But most people will work with you if you give them a chance.


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