Bugs are going to be bad this Summer!

That's the latest gossip in the insect world. I took my dog to the vet the other day. He says that ticks and all kinds of crazy, gross disease carrying critters could move across the imaginary line that seperates the south from the normal people. I guess I will have a summer filled with lots and lots of screaming and walking away really fast.
So, once again I have to put my stupid pet on expensive flea and tick medicine AND heartworm pills. Are they really worth it?
YES they are worth it.
When I used to winter in LA, I didn't think about keeping my dog on the heartworm pills through the winter (the mosquitos are year round in LA, duh)...he got heartworm. I was LIVID with the vet, who knew where we went each winter.
He got better, but only because he was a big dog and could fight.
It's way more $$$ for the treatment!
And, fleas will jump on the kid and then the other kids will call him bug boy.
Yeah, I will definitly get her the medicine, as I always do. I just know if I didn't and she got heartworms or lime disease I would feel very guilty for not shelling out the money to prevent it. I also have to pay for special drops for her ears because she has allergies. She's so high maintance! I'm never getting another dog again. Never ever ever. She's it. Next time I will just get a fish.
The flea prevention is definitly worth it. No way do I want to live with fleas. I live with enough itch as it is.
My question is, is the DOG worth it? Why did I ever get one in the first place? My husband is allergic, I am allergic. Right now she is living at my moms house, and she complains all the time about it. What a headache.
If you're allergic maybe it's best you don't have a dog. She's a real cute puppy, though.
I bet you'd find a way to be allergic to a pet fish. ;)
carrying critters could move across the imaginary line that seperates the south from the normal people.
Hey, not all of us in the South are drunk inbred whackos. It's jsut our advertizing campaign to keep you yankees out of the way.
And well, let's just say I know hippies that love all animals even vermin. One gave me an F on an art project because I did an ad campaign for some exterminator company.
Though personally, I have learned not to kill any animal just for invading myspace. The bigger bugs eat the littler ones, the smaller ones don't bother me, and the poisonous ones will only bite you if you attack them. Besides, it's a sin to kill anyhting you aren't going to eat so says Thor.
Finally, there are mosquitoes now in Greenland. Fuck! There goes my summer spot.
barthi, we don't serve your kind here. You'll have to wait outside...and take your bugs with you.
Southerns aren't real people.
Annie, actually I may be allergic to eating fish, but I'm not sure if that means I can't have a pet fish.
I wouldn't clean the tank just to be sure.
You should be an experiment, Shai. Get paid to be allergic and blog about the experience. :)
Wow, that would be cool if I could get paid for my misery. I have a week and a half before my skin tests. It will be the thrid test this month to confirm the last 2 blood tests. I' just tired of gettin sick and asthmatic from everything I eat. So I don't want to eat anything at all. But at least I've lost a couple pounds. :)
Losing a couple pounds is good, but you need proper nutrition.
Hoepfully they find something with the test that they can counteract with medicines.
You may one day eat a loaded pizza. :)
I'm not really so much concerned about losing pounds as I am with the whole "could I stop breathing after I eat this" thoughts. It can make a person really paranoid. I'm looking forward to the tests next week. I'll post the results. :)
E-mail me sometime.
barthi, we don't serve your kind here. You'll have to wait outside...and take your bugs with you.
Southerns aren't real people.
Shows how little you know about geography.
I'm in Iceland.
It's way cooler than Canada.
It's too hot in the South for Norsemen like myself.
Yes, you're a Norseman and I'm a rocket scientist. Do they have land sperm in Iceland?
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